Just in case you would ask why I called it A Perfect Day in Seattle, I can assure you, that it was perfect in my subjective opinion. It was one day trip for which my family and I expected to walk under the rain, drive in traffic and waste lots of time on looking for parking spots. Instead we’ve got perfect weather, took public transportation and eliminated traffic and parking problem. On top of all, my daughter had a great plan for the day and we successfully visited every stop on that list of interesting places in Seattle. We gladly accepted our friend, who grew up in Seattle, as our guide for the day. You are welcome to use it as itinerary for your next visit to the city.
Public transportation to downtown Seattle was out first experience. Clean. On time. And it reminded me of London.

Kerry Park
Kerry Park was the first stop. A beautiful view of Seattle from a higher point.

City Center
Passing by the City Center we couldn’t resist to spend some time near the musical fountain and look at the Space Needle closely.

This is where I encountered a mysterious character. I hardly can come up with the idea, what exactly he was about to do on this Monday morning.

Seattle Monorail
The Monorail reminded me about 1970s magazine pictures of imagined technical innovations of the future. Riding the Monorail was a dream come true.

And then we walked and walked.
A Seattle Monday afternoon serene scene…

Seattle Central Library
Seattle Public Library Central Branch is located in the very impressive architectural structure. Living for years in New York I would still never guess it is a library.

The interior looked more interesting to me. After all I am for more light everywhere. Library is one of the places where you need more light, more air and more space for your thoughts.

Touring library floor by floor would take me all day if I new I have it.

Sky View Observatory
Next stop was Sky View Observatory in the Columbia Center. All photographs made through the glass windows.

We also had a chance to look from the top at our next point of destination – St. James Cathedral.

St James Cathedral
After a short walk we arrived at the St. James Cathedral and spent some time in its cool, dark, quiet interior space admiring the architecture.

Freeway Park
Seattle parks were particularly interesting to visit. We live in Portland, Oregon. So we had to compare.

One of them, of course, would be the park with waterfalls. Artificial waterfalls – the city style. Now I can tell, parks are not only about green grass and trees. City parks can incorporate architecture as well.

Walking and climbing steps right next to falling water truly felt like concrete jungle.

Pioneer Square
Squares are city’s gathering places. Whenever I visit a new town I need to spend some time in one of its squares.

In this case, I enjoy looking away from a square as well as visiting it.

Wandering around may also be fun.

Tiny Waterfall Garden Park was nothing like previous visit to a massive architectural creation.

Eventually, every tourist needs to eat. I’ve been looking forward to my dinner all day – Elliott’s Oyster House is a perfect choice for any special occasion such as visiting Seattle, for example.

Public Transportation
Tired and happy we returned to public transportation service to deliver us to our temporary home – our friend’s house.

It had to be our Monday luck – Light Rail was not running at the time. However, we did not experience any inconvenience.

The bus shuttle took us to the closest station in service.

Does it look like a perfect day to you? After all we see what we want to see. I know I never fail to stop and admire flowers.