Beaded Spiral for Sunglasses: Summer Beadwork Idea
Beaded Fancy Spiral for Sunglasses – an accessory you need your round, but especially in summer! Perfect for the reading glasses, too!
Beaded Fancy Spiral for Sunglasses – an accessory you need your round, but especially in summer! Perfect for the reading glasses, too!
A beaded flower cap or a flower? Explore herringbone beading ideas for different flowers.
Robin & John Gumaelius Sculptures in Bend art gallery. Svetlana Gallery art, sculpture and beadwork blog review.
The White Bell herringbone stitch flower was inspired by the spring bulbs in my garden. I loved the idea of making them timeless and wearing them on my neck year-round. Several bell flowers combined in a cluster formed a beautiful (more…)
Spring flower necklace design idea: beads and techniques to make a beaded jewelry accessory inspired by Scilla and Lily of the Valley flowers.
When I walk through my little garden every morning, I see every flower as an individual. New tulips in my garden inspired me to take these tulip photo portraits…
Learn flat double spiral stitch – perfect for beginner beading jewelry designs and beadwork craft projects! Easy to follow video tutorial!
Beautiful shades of Green! Explore beaded jewelry design ideas and tutorials for necklaces, bracelets, pendants, and earrings.
If we think of a color representing nature, wouldn’t green be an immediate answer?The green Fancy Spiral earrings with malachite are just one of the many ideas on how you can use my Fancy Spiral tutorial. I’ve never seen anyone (more…)
I continue making beaded flowers of different colors, and the white gold flower pendant is new in my collection.Spring is always an excellent time to handcraft flowers because we get inspired by nature around us. White and Gold Flower Petals (more…)