Black and white were out, so I chose the blue dress beadwork decor. A family friend’s wedding celebration became a perfect “excuse” to design something new for me.
Beaded dress decor design is not new to me. I’ve completed several designs in the past, including the brown dress decor, which is quite different from what I was attempting to do for my new blue dress.

Light blue and white is one of the royal color combinations I have always liked. Initially, I wanted to use dark blue, gold, and white seed beads, but later I decided that two colors were just enough. The white and gold combination looked perfect on light blue. What do you think? Would you add dark blue or leave it the way I have it? Let me know in the comments below.
Opalite beads picked up some of the blue tones when displayed right next to the dress, so I thought it was exactly what I was looking for.
The Stitches
I had about three days to complete this design, so I chose the fastest stitches.
The flat double spiral stitch might be familiar to you because I used it for the pink sweater embroidery. It is a relatively quick stitch, so I highly recommend it for projects you need to accomplish in a short period of time.
Peyote stitch is another versatile stitch used for bezeling and other details. Try the 12 mm Rivoli bezel tutorial to see how I incorporated the Rivoli into the beadwork decor.

The Design
The design of the dress decor is somewhat similar to the Boann necklace design. I also used the same size drop beads I used for the necklace. And it looks like a necklace. The only difference is that it became part of the dress. Beadweaving it was easy, but sewing it on the dress was a task that required careful attention and good eyesight. I used very thin monofilament thread to attach the beadwork to the dress.
One of the main motifs of the design is the flower made with top-drilled drop opalite beads and seed beads. I created a pair of earrings to complete the set using this motif. Would you like to learn how to make it?