I made these cute little earrings with Christmas time in mind. However, you don’t have to use Christmas colors at all. Pick any two colors of Delica beads and make a pair of earring for any holiday you like.
Following these instructions, you will get familiar with odd count peyote technique. Odd count peyote allows creating patterns that have a central point. As you can see in these earrings, there is a white motif and its center is, actually, a geometrical center of an earring rectangular shape.
To complete this tutorial you will need:
- Delica beads size 11 in red color. I used Silver lined frost ruby 0683
- Delica beads size 11 in white color. I used Opaque luster eggshell 0203
- Four 4x6mm read faceted crystal or glass beads
- Two 7 mm white glass pearls
- 2 metal open rings
- 2 ear wires
- About 1 yard of thread. I used 4 lb Fireline.
- Beading needle. I used Beadsmith beading needle size 12
- Thread burner or sharp scissors
Step 1
Place a stop bead of a different color leaving an about 12” thread tail. You will use this tail later to make an extension for the earring to attach it to the ring.
String 7 red Delica beads.
Stitch the second row using peyote stitch and red Delica beads.
Step 2
Prepare for the third row: weave back through the first Delica bead you’ve strung in a first step. Then weave back through the second bead.
Follow the photo illustrations:
Step 3
Row 3: using peyote stitch pick up a red bead, and skipping a bead pass through next red bead. Pick a white Delica bead and, skipping a bead, pass through the next red bead. Pick up a red bead, skip a bead and pass through the next read bead.
Step 4
Row 4: Pick up a red bead, pass through the second red bead sticking up (last one you’ve stitched in the previous row). Pick up a white bead, skip a bead, and pass through the next (white) bead sticking up. Pick a white bead again, skip a bead and pass through the next red bead sticking up.
Pick up a red bead, turn back and pass through the red bead on the edge of your beadwork and red bead next to it – diagonally. Then turn toward the edge of your bedwork again and pass through two beads that lay right next to the ones you’ve just passed – diagonally again. (See the photos below)
This is an alternative way, and a shorter way to finish row in odd stitch peyote beadwork.
Step 5
Row 5: Stitch red bead, white and then red again.
Step 6
Row 6: Stitch all red beads.
Step 7
Row 7: Stitch white, red, white.
Step 8
Row 8: Stitch all white beads.
Step 9
Row 9: Stitch white, red, white.
Step 10
Row 10: All red again.
Step 11
Repeat row 3 through row 10 one time
Step 12
Repeat Row 3 through row 5 one time
Continue beading with red beads for three more rows.
Step 13
Pick up three white Delica beads, one red faceted crystal bead, and one white Delica bead. Turn back and pass through the red faceted crystal bead and three white Delica beads. Pass through the next red Delica bead in the last row of flat peyote beadwork.
Step 14
Pick up six red Delica beads, one glass pearl, and one red Delica bead. Turn back and pass through the next red Delica bead in the last row of the flat peyote beadwork.
Repeat Step 13 adding one more string of white Delica beads and red faceted crystal bead.
Weave through the flat peyote beadwork changing directions several times and hide the thread.
Step 15
Remove a stop bead and thread a needle with the thread tail you left when you started beading.
Pass through beads to reach the other side of the first row of your beadwork.
Step 16
Start the row adding 3 red beads in this row.
At the end of the row weave through your beadwork just so you could start adding beads to the next row right after the second bead sticking up. (Follow blue arrows)
Step 17
Add two beads in the next row. (Follow white arrow)
Repeat step 16 and 17 two times. Then repeat Step 16 one more time.
Step 18
Following this photo illustration, pass the beaded extension of the earring through the metal ring.
Pick up a red Delica bead and pass through the white bead in the middles of your beadwork: last white bead you’ve added. Several rows of red Delica beads should fold. Keep the metal ring inside of the folded beadwork.
Pick up another red Delica bead and pass through the last red bead in the previous row.
Weave back through the same row but pass through the red bead of the folded end of beadwork instead of the white bead.
Weave through the beadwork and hide the thread.
Step 19
Open the metal ring slightly and connect it to the earring wire. Slide the ring just so the part with the opening would be hidden under the folded end of the earring.
Make a second earring following the same instructions.
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Check out my other beading tutorials and get creative!
Happy beading!
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