Have you ever been frustrated trying to thread a beading needle?
Postponing a beading project just because you are tired of numerous attempts trying to thread that needle sound familiar to you?
Luckily, there is a solution! The right tool for the job is the big eye needle.
When I finished my little jade bead embroidered pendant I wanted to make an elegant and light rope for it. Beaded rope would be heavier than the pendant itself. Chain didn’t look as a great solution for this project. I chose silk cord for this pendant because it felt light and smooth. Also I could order it in a matching color. Besides I could wear the necklace later or let my daughter wear it without worrying about size.
One of the ideas was to decorate the ends of the silk cord with the same beads I used in the pendant design. No matter how hard I tried to push the end of the cord through the bead hole I couldn’t pass it.
Having a big eye needle in stock for years I never used it until now. I am so happy I had it handy. The hoarder in me smiled and bowed!
How and When To Use A Big Eye Needle
Big eye needle is simply a needle with a big eye. No more frustration threading that needle. It can be used for seed beads (not # 15 though) and regular thread or Fireline. It can also be used for other materials when stringing beads: ribbons, silk cords, thick thread, cotton cords etc.

In my case, the silk cord I chose wouldn’t perfectly go through the hole of the bead. I moved the end of the cord several times, but still it was too thick to go through this particular bead. I almost gave up when I discovered that threading the very tip of the cord (about 1 mm or even less) goes through the hole without a problem.
Tying a knot at the end of the cord will prevent the bead from sliding off of it.
Silk cords and ribbons are commonly used in bohemian type of jewelry. If you are thinking to try creating something in bohemian style, I recommend buying this inspiring book.
Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry: 50 Designs Using Leather, Ribbon, and Cords
Techniques, design ideas and bead combinations will help you create your own piece of jewelry with unique beads you could only choose for yourself.
Learn More
Learn about big eye needle watching this video tutorial.
Find out how to thread a big eye needle with a ribbon in this tutorial.
Happy beading!