Ice rain is a typical winter weather event that happens almost every year in the Pacific Northwest. While it is unfortunate for many drivers that have to be somewhere during that time, it is quite an opportunity for photographers. Luckily, I don’t have to go far to take my photos. I have a little garden, and I love to observe my plants any time of the year.

Ice is one of the fascinating subjects for me. Frozen waterdrops and crystals serve as inspiration for beading. They also please the eye.
This year snow covered all the spring flowers that appeared a bit early – in February. The winter was very wet, and I did not cut many of the dead flowers from the last season. My garden didn’t look neat, but freezing rain changed my attitude towards the yard cleaning responsibilities. Did you notice how dry asters looked when they were covered in ice? Yes, dead flowers are also beautiful.

I took all these photos with my Nikon D 7200 and retouched them in Photoshop.
What camera do you use for similar nature events?