Have you seen any exciting patterns with Kheops Puca beads? I just purchased several colors of these beads, quickly searched for attractive pattern but, as it usually happens to me, lost patience and created my own! Enjoy!
You will need:

8lb Fireline (I believe 6 lb is ok, too)
Beading needle
Kheops Puca beads – 8
Czech Tile beads – 4
#11 seed beads -12
#8 seed beads – 16
“O” beads – 16
Drop mini fringe beads – 12
Number of beads is calculated for one beaded element only.
(Please, click on images if you would like to see a larger version.) Take about 1 yard of fireline, leave a 6 in tail and place a stop bead. Important! Kheops Puca beads have 3 sides. One of them has two holes. This side must always face Czech Tile bead in this pattern!

Step 1
We will start with the inner circle. String beads in the following order picking up one of each at a time: {Czech Tile bead – #8 seed bead – Kheops Puca bead ( string through the side with two holes first) – “O” bead – #11 seed bead – “O” bead – Kheops Puca bead (string through the side with one hole) – #8 seed bead }

Repeat this {pattern} three more times to complete the inner circle.

Remove stop bead and tie the knot joining two ends of the fireline thread to connect the circle. When following steps are completed it will appear as a square.

Step 2
To position the needle for the outer round of beads go through next Czech Tile bead – same pair of holes you beaded through in the previous step – and then go through second pair of holes of the same Czech Tile bead. The second round of beads will be strung in a reversed direction.

Step 3
Pick up #8 seed bead and go through the second hole in the next Kheops Puca bead.
Step 4
Pick up Drop bead, “O” bead, #11 seed bead, Drop bead, #11 seed bead, “O” bead and a Drop bead.

Bead through the hole in the open side of next Kheops Puca bead – the side that was not used in the first round of stringing.
Step 5
Pick up #8 seed bead and go through the second pair of holes in the next Czech Tile bead

Step 6
Repeat Steps 3 to 5 three more times to complete the outer (second) round of beads.

Finishing thread
How to finish thread and hide it (or not) will depend on your plans of using this element.
On this photo the thread on the left is the tail I left at the beginning of beading. The thread on the right is one I was working with.

If I would plan to make earrings, I would string to the next center Drop bead of the pattern element described in Step 4 and create a loop to connect it to the earring wire.
If I would plan to make a bracelet I would strengthen the outer (second) round of beads going through the whole round one more time and then creating a connection to the other beaded element in the bracelet.

In my case, I would like to make a necklace. I have several ideas how to complete it, but for any of them I need to leave a long tail of a thread in the inner circle as well as have enough tread remaining in the outer round to make connection between two elements.
Stay tuned to see the finished necklace and subscribe to my blog to receive the updates.
Happy beading!
P.S. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please, consider donating! Every dollar matters and every dollar donated will be used to create new free patterns and tutorials available for you on this website.
February 5, 2015
A tutorial and beading pattern for Funtile Necklace featuring Kheops Puca beads, Czech Tile beads and incorporating this Square Element is available in my shop.
WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching for free bead pattern