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Making Flower Pendant Bail

Making a flower pendant bail is definitely easier than making a flower. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Herringbone stitch for the beaded bail.

This is the fourth part of the Flower Pendant tutorial. I suggest you take a look at how the flower petals are connected before you start following instructions for the bail.

Full Flower Pendant Tutorial is here!

Why Herringbone Stitch?

The whole flower is completed in Peyote stitch, and you could certainly pick the same technique for the bail. The reason I chose herringbone is because it lets me create a slimmer bail. I like wearing pendants with different chains. Some of them have larger clasps. These clasps have to go through the bail easily. When I make Peyote stitch bails, I usually can only use tiny clasps and very thin chains.

Flower Pendant Bail Tutorial


You will need seed beads size 11.

I picked seed beads color B I used for Flower Petals


Beading needle size 12

Beading thread. I used Fireline 6 lb

Sharp scissors or a thread burner

Step 1

Video Time 0:47

Before I start making the bail, I attach and secure the thread I am going to use for beading.

I suggest using a separate piece of the thread for the bail, and not using any leftovers of threads you used for the flower pendant.

I attach the bail to the edge beads of two petals. Pick any two you like.

Count two beads from the bottom of the petals. I attach the bail to the third and fourth beads of each petal.

It will help if you visually create two pairs of beads. The first pair consists of the third edge bead of both petals. This is going to be the First Base Pair.

The second pair consists of the four edge beads of both petals. This is going to be the Second Base Pair.

Weave in the thread going through the fourth bead, then the third bead towards the center of the flower. Then stitch through the other two beads going in the direction toward the edges of the flower. Leave about 6 inches of the thread tail. You will secure and hide this end later when you finish making the bail.

Reinforce by going through the same beads again.

Step 2

Video Time 2:07

To begin, your thread should be exiting one of the beads in the Second Base Pair You will start beading the bail from this pair, and later you will attach it to the First Base pair.

Pick up two beads, and enter the second bead in the Base pair

Stitch through the first bead in the Base pair again, and then stitch through the first bead of the pair you’ve just added.

Step 3

Video Time 2:55

Pick up two beads and enter the second bead in the previous pair

Stitch through the first bead in the previous pair again, then stitch through the first bead of the same pair you’ve just added.

Step 4

Video Time 3:13

Continue adding two beads and attaching them to the previous two beads until you have 14 pairs (rows) of beads in total.

Step 5

Video Time 4:55

Stitch through the corresponding bead in the First Base pair going in the direction towards the center of the flower.

Then stitch through the second bead in the same Base Pair going in the direction towards the edges of the flower.

Now you have to stitch through all the beads of the bail on this side.

Move to the other side and stitch through all the beads to reinforce the bail and the connection.

Then weave in the ends of the thread into the petals. Make sure to change the direction several times. Secure the ends and hide the thread in the beadwork.

Happy beading!

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