With help of these right angle weave stitch basic instructions, you will learn how to build a second raw of RAW units on top of the first one.
Part 1 (first row) instructions are here.
Right Angle Weave Stitch Basic Instructions Part 2
This tutorial was created with the help of three bead characters: A, B and C beads. I gave them simple names to make your learning process easier and fun!
Before You Start
Check where your thread is. It should be coming out of the A bead in the middle of the first row of RAW units.

Step 4
Pass the C bead right next to the A bead.
String three beads: A, B, and another A bead.
Step 5
Pass the same C bead from the previous row.
Pass the first A bead you have strung in Step 4.
You’ve built and attached the first RAW unit of the second row.
Step 6
In this step, you will add a second RAW unit to the second row while attaching it to the first row and the first unit of the second row simultaneously.
String the C and A bead.
Pass the B bead from the previous row going in the opposite direction.
Pass the A bead from the previous RAW unit of the second row.
Pass the C and A beads you’ve just added in this step.
Pass the next C bead from the previous row.
Step 7
In this step, you will add another and the last RAW unit of the second row.
String the A and then B bead.
Pass the A bead from the previous RAW unit.
Pass the C bead from the previous RAW unit of the second row.
If you would like to continue adding units to the second row (assuming you have a longer row of units than I illustrated), pass bead A and continue.
Otherwise, pass the two (A and B) beads you’ve just added in this step.
Now you are ready to add a third row to your structure.
Congratulations! You’ve learned the basics of the Right Angle Weave!
Get these instructions in PDF format – an easy way to learn the stitch anywhere and share with friends.
What is Next?
The next step is to make a jewelry accessory using this technique!

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Dot RAW Bracelet Tutorial will help you learn and practice Right Angle Stitch!
Happy beading!