It is not a secret that color is probably the first most important factor in the art creation. Color attracts spectators and creates an emotional impact. Deciding on colors for the bead embroidery piece is as important as choosing other elements such as techniques, stitches or beads.
I already wrote on basics of color palette creation, if you would like to know more about it and get some tips and tools on this topic, please read this short guide to better color palettes.
Here are several ways to select bead colors for bead embroidery project. Try it yourself and you’ll see that the whole process of color selection will become less stressful and more enjoyable.
1. Use colors which are present in the stone or other focal point color palette.

This denim lapis stone from PugzDesigns displays several colors. I chose four of them as my basic palette for my bead embroidery piece.
2. Use contrasting and complementary colors. (Find out about digital tools you can use for color in this post.)

Green Pendant bead embroidery was created to complement copper viking knit rope. Green and copper brown are in harmony in this piece. They are related to each other as complementary colors.
3. Use white, black, gold, silver.

Adding white and black to any color will save you time deciding which color theory principal to apply. Fashion designers always use this trick when they are out of ideas for the upcoming season. Why? Because it always looks classy.
Golden and silver colors added to any other colors will resemble classic jewelry images and therefore will look pleasing to the eye.
In the Bridal Necklace I combined both groups: classy white and jewelry gold.
4. Use monochromatic or analogous color scheme.

When working on three bead embroidered pendants, I had an opportunity to explore most of color selection ideas suggested here.
The more you play with colors the more confident you will become selecting colors for your next project. Beads are not paints: it is very easy to create and explore bead palette by spilling your bead on a beading mat and compare them side by side. Remember to use day light or one of those wonderful OttLite lamps over your desk during this activity.
Happy beading!